In the Presence - The Spirituality of Eucharistic Adoration
Sr. Joan Ridley, O.S.B.
By Sister Joan Ridley OSB, paperback, 80 pages, soft cover, 5 1/8 in x 7 3/8 in.
With the ancient practice of Eucharist Adoration being rediscovered in today's Catholic parishes, "In the Presence" provides the perfect guide to the history, practice and meaning of this tradition.
In a series of brief, accessible and theologically rich essays, Sister Joan connects the devotion of Eucharistic Adoration to eucharistic spirituality and common worship, combining traditional significance with the best in contemporary theology. There is also a chapter on how to begin this prayer-format and several sample prayers as a starting point. Published 2/15/2010 by Liguori Publications, ISBN 978-0-7648-1907-0.